
Why Support Outfitters for Christ?

Your gifts constitute the main source of support for OFC’s ministry.  Through your generosity, you enable us to provide personal, life-changing experiences and long-term discipleship for hundreds of individuals and families each year.   

The majority of OFC’s partners – other non-profit organizations and outreach ministries – do not have the means to cover the costs involved in sponsoring the individuals and groups served through our programs.  Charitable donations account for more than 80 percent of our ability to minister to those who need help but cannot afford it.

This is why we ask you to prayerfully consider partly or fully sponsoring a program participant or group of participants to engage in the “Life Journey” with OFC.


Are my sponsorship donations tax deductible?  

OFC is a registered not-for-profit, public charity corporation under IRC 501(c)(3).  All donations are tax deductible.  OFC will provide you with a charitable tax receipt confirming your contribution, which can be presented to the IRS for tax-deduction purposes.


Is there a minimum donation amount?  

All gifts are welcomed and there is no minimum or maximum donation requirement.  As the ongoing discipleship is a critical part of the ministry, we would encourage you to include the monthly enrollment fee of the “Life Journey” program in your gift (between $8.00 and $12.50 per month) in addition to a full or supplemental sponsorship.  


Does OFC make its financial information available?  

Yes, we make our Annual Statements available on our website.


How do I know which project or participant my sponsorship funds will go to support?

It is possible to donate to the overall OFC ministry or to sponsor selected participants.  If you wish for your gift to be applied to the enrollment of a specific individual or group in any of the OFC programs, please make sure to coordinate this with us directly by contacting us at gmeyer@outfittersforchrist.org or by calling 719.439.9254.


Can I dedicate my donation to someone?

Yes. You can make your donation a tribute to someone. You will receive a donation receipt as well as a certificate that you can give to your friend or loved one.


What if I prefer to donate to my church or my preferred charity, and I would like them to send participants to the “Life Journey” program instead of contributing to OFC directly?

OFC works with other non-profits in this model and can work with your selected charity or organization.  It simply needs to be coordinated.  Please contact us to discuss your objectives and we will help arrange the details with you and your selected partner organization.  


How do I send a donation?

You can either donate here online or by sending a check to:

Outfitters for Christ
c/o Fish & Cross Ranch
PO Box 140
Yampa, CO     80483

Tax ID: 27-3821707

If you would like to speak to us directly and have questions about sponsorship opportunities or how to make a donation, please write to gmeyer@outfittersforchrist.org or call OFC at 719.439.9254.