Season of Stillness

This spring has forced us to a halt. We have been asked to stop moving, to stop racing, to stop pushing ourselves past our limits. We have been asked to rest. The hustle and bustle of the sounds of busy life have faded away and we are reminded what it sounds like to be still.

Still like the sounds of the ranch after a long day. Still like the hay fields when the wind has gone away. Still like the ditch when the water has been irrigated down a different path.

Life looks different for all of us and there are questions and hurts that we are processing and grieving from this season. Loss of loved ones. Loss of a job and income. No sports, school, or graduation. Loneliness and fear. Gut wrenching heart ache and confusion because this does not make sense and we do not know this plan.

But God is here in this season.

Even when it hurts we can choose to praise him.

He is the prince of peace. He brings healing and hope. His promises are true yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

This stillness lasted longer then any one of us could have expected and as we slowly enter back into the sound of life may we not forget this season. May we process the hurt and name the pain. Feel all the feelings. And may we recognize that God is here. God is teaching us that his dreams are far greater than ours. That his plan is wilder then anything we could have planned. That the stillness is a chance to breathe in grace and let all the weight go.